Verona Area School District Mission
Each student will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their personal goals, thrive in a diverse global society, and lead a healthy, self-fulfilling life.
News & Announcements
JOIN our VASD spirit week. Click read more and see what our theme days are for the week of September 16-20
Make sure to sign up for the Sugar Creek Fun! Registration opens on Sept 16th. Our annual Fun will be Saturday, October 5th. Click here to read more for additional information
FirstView 1.0 is available for our FirstAlt customers starting in August 2024. Please search for FirstView 1.0 in the App Store or Google Play. This app icon has a red background.
Apple Devices
Android Devices
Are you interested in volunteering with Sugar Creek PTO? PTO meetings are held every Monday at 6:30 pm at Sugar Creek. Come to a meeting and find out about school events and how you can volunteer here at Sugar Creek. If you can't make it to a meeting contact our PTO at sugarcreekpto@gmail.com
Want to see attendance, grades or sign up for summer school? Parent Portal will be your guide! Click on read more.
Parent Portal will not only allow you to see your child's grades &
attendance, but it will also be the tool you will use to register your child
for summer school courses. Click Parent Portal for details for a step by step guide. Please call the office (English-608-497-2105/Spanish 608-497-2106) if you have any questions or need assistance.