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Dear Sugar Creek families,

It’s estimated that about a third of all children in America live in a home with a gun.  Guns are the leading cause of death for children under the age of 18 (from unintentional shootings, homicide, and suicide.)  All too often, we read the news of children who are victims of gun violence elsewhere in our country and hope it doesn’t happen here.  We can do more than hope:  there are steps (such as those from that we all – gun owners, and non-gun owners – can do to help keep the children in our school community safe, including:

* If you own a gun, hiding it is not enough.  Kids are relentlessly curious!  Consider taking safeguards such as putting handguns in a safe, rifles in a gun safe, and installing easy-to-use trigger locks.

* In addition to locking up guns, keep them unloaded and the ammunition also locked up.

* Is your child going on a playdate?  Ask about guns and gun storage beforehand with the other family.  The more we can have honest discussions about guns and gun safety among adults, the better off our children will be.

* When hunting or target practicing, be sure those you are with always keep the safety latch on until firing.

* Air guns can seriously injure, and can also be mistaken for a real gun.

* Talk with your children about guns.  Make it clear that if they come across someone else’s gun they must stay away from it and let you know immediately.

* Carefully consider the computer games or other media you allow your children to be exposed to.  Normalizing violence is not good for growing young brains.

See here for related suggestions about gun safety.

Like you, I expect our school to be a secure place where teachers can teach and children can learn.  We will continue to do our best to keep Sugar Creek’s students, staff members, and guests safe at all times.  To this end, we take references (drawings, “teasing”, threats, etc.) about violence, including gun violence, seriously.  This can include immediate involvement of school and district administration, Student Services staff, families, our VASD Director of Safety, and local police.  

I appreciate your attention to this letter, allowing me to politely share about a topic that I believe is important to us all, and for trusting the staff of Sugar Creek to teach your children, care for them, and inspire them.  

Sugar Creek:  doing our best for your children each day. 

Thank you