PTO at Sugar Creek
Sarah Wirtz
PTO President
Bridget Jelle
PTO Secretary
Mandy Auger
PTO Vice President
Jenny Han
PTO Sunshine Committee & Fund Raising Grants
The Sugar Creek Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a group that works with families and school staff to create community beyond the classroom. We do this through teacher and staff appreciation, literacy and enrichment programs for students, and fun community events.
The PTO is open to everyone who wants to support our school and new participants are always welcome. We meet on the 2nd Monday of every month from 6:30-7:30pm in the Large Group Instruction Room at Sugar Creek and free childcare is provided.
Meetings are a great way to find out what is going on, but are not necessary for participation.
Please email for more information or if you are looking to volunteer for an upcoming event.
Find and like us on Facebook and get updates and information throughout the year.